This page has also an essential section, to the editor, about the reading of Géa! Let us cogitate, yes, about difficulties! Here the fire of taboos are not feared, because I am a “pajé” (a sorcerer)! My greatetst difficulty with the Brazilian editors who are interested in publishing my supreme opus is to explain to them the indispensability and the value of the breath-taking Livro Treze (Book Thirteen) of Géa. But difficulties are useful and can be changed into advantages: let us transform them here and now! Also because... My books are the only successful even before they are published in printed paper! |
The “Livro Treze” of Géa At first sight, Livro Treze is an inutile hindrance which contains the 'Glossário Geóctone' (Geóctone Glossary - the Glossary for the extraterrestrial words from planet Géa and other spheres) and the 'Rarefeito Dicionário de Palavras Raras', (Rarefied Dictionary of Rare Words) besides the lists of characteres, starships, songs, dances, statisticas of the opus , part of 'Geadágio' (an anthology with the adages and thoughts which are before each first page of a chapter) and several annexes, whose whole content hurried people tend to call 'dictionary' - and 'dictionary' is an easy synonym, in the illiterate Brazil, of 'useless hindrance, expensive and difficult to publish'. However, Livro Treze is what 'demonstrates the seriousness of the opus'! And that affirmation is not mine, but of the awarded poet and publisher Mirian Paglia Costa. Elaborating Livro Treze, I learned a lot: I spent three years just to write it. And the result of that learning enlighted the text of my books. During the reading of Livro Treze; when I discovered the acceptation and the right application of each word in the text of Géa; consulting dictionaries, grammar books and the classics; I perceived how many of them I had wrongly employed and, then, I went substituting them for better ones, which improved to the utmost the text quality and transformed it into exactly what I wished to say. The job of that discovery, of that voyage in the Portuguese language, made Livro Treze extremely useful during the study of that language, to the Reader of Géa. Useful likewise to the student and the expert in Portuguese who take advantage of the great opus, whose text intentionally grows in complexity - and in beauty and content - all along the twelve books where the story is narrated. With the help of Livro Treze, Géa is what exists of most didactic! We do not have to ask (as a friend of mine, amazed with the dimension and the content of Géa, did): 'If Dom Quixote, of Cervantes, was written today, would it be published?'; but, what I ask: 'If Dom Quixote, of Cervantes, was written today, would it be possible to imagine it NOT published???'. And Géa surmounts in much Dom Quixote. Livro Treze contains yet, in each entry, not only the acceptation of the word presented there; but, the explanation of its use in the text, of its grammatical justification and also a dissertation about my way of interpreting its meaning. There are entries which occupy, each one, several pages, with thoughts, concepts and elucidations about the jotted down word and their relation to the whole opus, which expands right there: that's why Livro Treze is also called 'O Relacionador' (my Portuguese neologism for 'The one which creates relations'). The 'Glossário Geóctone' explains the extraterrestrial words and my (good) neologisms, which have nothing of vice and will permeate our (Portuguese) language 'enceradeiramente' crazy ('enceradeiramente' is my facetious neologism for 'varridamente' - 'sweepedly' but augmented to 'floor-polisher-machine-dly' crazy... bringing us the 'pressaudade' of the future ('pressaudade' is my neologism for 'anticipated saudade' - or anticipated longing, although there is not exact translation for the word 'saudade'). The Rarefeito Dicionário de Palavras Raras, in Livro Treze, is a tremendous adventure in the unknown solitude of the Portuguese Language. There we learn! as I did. Although it IS possible to read Géa without the help of Livro Treze, it's better to do it WITH, inclusively because there is not greater delight than read 'a dois' (two persons together): one reads the text in a loud voice; the other consults Livro Treze. Géa has an immense beauty in the SOUND of its reading (when read aloud)! And concerning SOUND this author amodestamente is an expert ('amodestamente' is my neologism to avoid the moral connotation of the word 'imodestamente' - 'imodestly'). You can read in the page Opiniões sobre Géa (Opinions about Géa) the opinion of Zé Oliboni about the SOUND of that reading. And you can form your own opinion, reading Você gosta poesia? (Do you like poetry?) In the format of electronic book (not on the market yet), we can run one of the twelve books and Livro Treze at the same time on the screen; but my considerations, in this page, refer to printed books. It is perhaps a good idea to offer Livro Treze in electronic format (in a CD, for example) to substitute its printed version and accompany the printed text books. Despite the equipment named 'e-book' is still hardly used in Brazil and is neither flexible nor practical as it should be, that equipment is being improved and soon will be easy to find and utilize. The author ACCEPTS, so, that Livro Treze is published in the form of a CD, to be furnished attached to the first book the Reader will purchase (normally, Livro Primeiro - Book First - of Géa). The CD could be offered as a toast, a gift, to the Reader who will purchase the complete opus. A CD would make easy the production of the group of books which forms the opus Géa, because the Livro Treze is the volume with the greatest number of pages (a thousand pages) and should be accessible to the Reader for better understanding of the twelve volumes of text. It would be profitable to have a CD accompanying ALL the books of the (printed in paper) opus, but containing the illustrations, the animations and even the complete Géa in electronic format. In the case of existing the whole opus in electronic format, the publisher of that CD should create a computer program which automatized the consultation to Livro Treze, when we clicked on any word on any of the books. That automatization shall not be done by means of links in the own text books (which archives would dilate too much); yes, as we use in the electronic dictionaries, via database in which he, the publisher, should transform the content of Livro Treze. This book could then be opened from ANY word in any text - and not only in the books of the opus to which it belongs. The same dictionary could be improved with vocal command and answering, avoiding an extra window or icon - more details please contact CCDB.
Livro Treze has more graphic characters than the complete collection of the twelve text books, and not one of those characters is superfluous. If it has only a thousand pages, it is because the graphic font is of a small size, and the margins are narrow. The second difficulty that the Brazilian editors have is with the own opus Géa: they read the Livro Primeiro (Book One) fast without the conscience that Géa is not a collection of books; but a single and indivisible story: Géa is ONE SINGLE book. That is what the publisher must know before he does any analysis. And Livro Treze is included in that unity. Only the complete reading of the opus can lead to a perfect idea of its value for publishing; even so I gave up to the solicitations of those publishers and created the page Resenha e público-alvo (Summary and target-public), to give a minimum glance to the story of the opus. The person who reads fast and only the Livro Primeiro (Book One) of Géa is surprised when seeing many beginnings, apparently sparce and without nexus, because he or she is accustomed to reading, in a volume with two hundred and fifty pages, a story with a beginning, a middle and an end. Well! the Livro Primeiro is only the thirteenth part of the 'One Book' named Géa! Imagine yourself reading only twenty pages of a complete opus which has two hundred and fifty pages and you will have the exact perspective of how much you will have read of Géa when you have finished the Livro Primeiro: the thirteenth part! Besides, the growing of the 'invisible action' (of certain invisible characters which will be presented later in the following books) in the supreme opus is intentionally exponential: it imitates the taking-off of Laranja, the flying saucer of Clausar. Because of that, the reading of the first books is an intentional adaptation of the Reader, of the Publisher (...) with a very vague environment, with a hypnotic dive in the unknown, with a trance, with the bewildering in a world which is distant and without maps, with a thousand and two portals to a thousand and three stories, with a thousand paths, with a lysergic depersonalization... and that despersonalization structures, and concatenates, and coalesces perfect! in the intermediate books and draws the map with the necessary contrast to the realism of the explosive and cinematographic subsequent movement. And Livro Treze is the map... which will be consulted before, during and after the trip; which will make the interrelation of all the multicoloured threads of the fabric and will give its impressive and transfinite fractal. Avid for the 'visible action' or 'sensual' (of the physical senses), the person who reads the Livro Primeiro doesn't know that 'in the invisible' the extreme action develops, the 'supersensible' (superior to the action of the physical senses) exactly while those several beginnings are perceived, and while is also perceived the vague atmosphere of the 'visible action'. Géa possesses several spheres or levels of action, but the media named 'book' requires the linear sequence in the reading. Only along that reading is that the Reader and the Editor will be put in contact with the other spheres, drop to drop, spoonful by spoonful, until a deluge stormly falls into his or her conscience, a multidimensional vortex, in the epilogue of the opus. Then... a lot of people will want to read it again! and they would read even from the end to the beginning, or in directions which not even the Brana theory allows! And by a door would enter and by many would leave! and transported would return, if they could! and will ask for MORE... and MORE is the book named )que(. And beyond that MORE there is Geínha! Or even Livro Treze, which can also be read, and not only be consulted. About the quality of Géa, the visitation champion page of this site will astonish the most unbelieving of the man of letters, the most dispirited of the publishers. I am not writing that page to demonstrate that quality, but the relation plotted there with the works of great authors does that for me. FOR THE CASE OF A POSSIBLE PUBLISHING OF GÉA IN ELECTRONIC BOOKS - (BUT GÉA IS NOT PUBLISHED IN ANY MEDIA UNTIL NOW) A sample of Livro Treze - this link opens a sample of Livro Treze in PDF (Portable Document File), to be read with the 5.0 version, or superior, of the Adobe Acrobat Reader (which you can download free from the site of Adobe). To download to your computer the sample of Livro Treze please use the Reader's menu; not, the browser menu. Please note that, to facilitate the consult to the Glossário Geóctone and to the Rarefeito Dicionário de Palavras Raras from a text book opened at the same time in the Reader, the headings of those parts of Livro Treze are respectively presented in normal characters (Glossary) and italic (Dictionary). You can open one (or more) of the text books of Géa in the Reader and also open, at the same time, Livro Treze, reducing the window of this one in comparison with the window of the text book and scrolling the pages of the Glossary or the Dictionary with the attention given to the headings, which presents in large font the first characters of the first and the last word of the page where they are. If the database program mentioned above will be produced by the publisher, the consultation will be even easier. Note also, please, that Livro Treze has A THOUSAND pages; therefore, this sample is here only to show the graphic aspect of that book and give a little taste of its content. In the sample the annexes are NOT included with the lists of characters, starships, etc., which greatly enrich the opus.
Cover of Livro Treze - to came back to this same point of this same page utilize, please, the arrow of the browser. Curiousity? The word 'que' (that) is presented only once in the opus Géa: that word is therefore a hápax (word which appears a single time in an opus) and it is at the end of the last line of the last text book. The absence of the word 'que' INCLUDES Livro Treze! Try to write a Portuguese dictionary with a thousand pages and small characteres (see sample) without utilizing that word! The hápax is not, so, a simple curiousity; it is a homage to the Portuguese language because it stuns the Reader when she or he discovers the immense value of such a small word; and if it is any word worthy of that distinction, the word 'que' is the one. Treze - the number of the fortune! If I believed in fortune, I would say that I have an immense luck with the roaring effect of this site and, therefore, of my opus. But... fortune doesn't exist. What exists is LABOUR. Who makes our fortune, our destiny, are ourselves. About number Treze (thirteen), Géa has intentionally thirteen books because its twelve text books symbolize the twelve degrees of the evolution in the Mystical Path; and the thirteenth book represents the transcendence, the one which is reached by the portal between the object, the text, and the substance, the word. Livro Treze is the portal for the substance, in the essence of the word! I invite, then, the publisher to traverse that portal and to publish - without any courage, because there is no danger, but with the same certainty I have - the Treze books of Géa. |
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